Saturday, August 30, 2008

Gone in 60 seconds ..

I was lying on my bed and was about to sleep .. ' why cant I just relax and for a few minutes and think simply nothing - this was the first thought ..and then they ( thoughts ) kept popping one after another, one of them was to compile the same. So Here it is excerpt , cleverly edited to exclude the stuffs which of course .. should not go public :)

In just 60 seconds this is how my mind tortures me ..

'Never ask a man if he is from Sparta: If he were, he would have let you know such an important fact - and if he were not,you could hurt his feelings' ... nice thought but why is it important not to hurt people , why do we have to be good ,why cant we simply follow our instincts and act, why cant we BE what we ARE .. BTW , do we even know what we are .. OR what we want .. people often contradict themselves.

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Isn't the age old saying - ' Man can achieve whatever he wants ' a bit overrated , arbitrary and maybe a little senseless .You cannot achieve things just because you want them and you are overly enthusiastic about the same. Get practical and don't screw your life..there are limitations for everyone, everywhere. Authentic ( pragmatic ) thinking makes more sense than an arbitrary Positive thinking.

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..Fan speed sucks .. I wish my regulator could rotate infinitely in clockwise direction.Perhaps we need an air conditioning ..maybe next year. Weather sucks ..Gurgaon sucks it is the land of dust.. Everything su...

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What do these people in government do .. cant they solve small basic day to day problems of a common man and keep them happy and contended ... of course along with their all sorts of illegitimate businesses ( I don't Question.. ).. now what is happening in Bihar ( regarding the floods ) .. are they doing enough. It seems the brightest ideas are only with the opposition party in a democratic system . SAD !

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..My bike needs a servicing ..maybe this weekend ..why the hell am I sooo lazzzy?

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For Leibniz, God's mind included an infinity of possible worlds, of which he selected just one.These nonselected worlds are the worlds of possibilities .. hmm.. I could have done so many things differently in past .. no regrets, but its amazing to think of infinite possibilities for which if opted, I would have been different with respect to my career, relationships .. but I guess its fine, I am still in my twenties .. got a lot of life ahead !

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It was overwhelming to read about this auto rickshaw driver who voluntarily took a man stabbed some 5-7 times to a hospital late in the night and all he charged was the legitimate auto fare.. he was later awarded with a 50k from Delhi government and a taxi with a licence and future ownership of the same! Good Job! ( both for the driver and the govt.)

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Am I too sensitive? If yes , is there anything wrong with it ..If no , should I be ? BTW who decides what is right and what is wrong?

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.. now this is the serious problem with a ceiling fan.. makes a lot of noise.

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Why am I so uncomfortable, whenever in my comfort zone .. Why do I get this feeling of something being wrong,when things apparently appear okay .. emptiness kills .. maybe I love challenges .. haan that sounds cool ! Love is a beautiful word but definitely over burdened with multiple usages.. I love my parents .. I love my school .. love my new shoes .. love my job .. my pen .. bike ..your eyes .. your looks .. lets make love .. and last but not the least ( one would agree ) I Love You ! I am not much into language and literature ..but I wonder why we have just one word in everyday usage for all possible kinds of love. Just look at the word Hate with soo many synonyms in general usage - abhor, detest, loathe, despise and may be abominate, execrate at times . Aah .. I love hate !!

Maybe I should sleep ..its already late.


  1. Your shoes are no more new Chandan!
    The text needs editing!

  2. wen am alone ...a sophisticated phrase never pops-up on its own, unless forced :)...but watever has been put down by u shows how abrupt thghts can be smtime..nice wrk..i really liked the "being urself" part...

  3. @Gunjan
    you have a point .. but the idea of something good u read or heard do remain ( at least its with me ) .. and how else could I have possibly conveyed that to a reader.So that part was for You !
