Friday, September 26, 2008

Why can't Pappu dance ??

Okay... so what is this about dancing that people are crazy about - weird , repetitive body movements that sometimes goes with the music being played and rest of the times its grossly out of sync ! Well, here I am not talking about MJ or Hritik Roshan with their well choreographed shows..but about people like you and me plunging into the dance floor in a public place to shake their bodies.As for me , I cant see myself dance , I am just not comfortable and I seriously don't know why, its not that I have got anything against dancing ... maybe because I don't know how to dance but then do these youngsters who take on the dance floor no sooner they get an opportunity know how to ? May be I am embarrassed to dance in public ..but then again I have never attempted a dance step or something even remotely close to dancing even when alone in a closed room when no one is watching and I don't see myself doing the same in the near future.. moreover I don't think there would be anyone watching me even in a crowded,dimly lit dance floor where people are too busy watching their own step.At this point, with the kind of reputation I have earned, I just need to clarify that I am not being critical of the dancing act ( for all u dancers out there .. ), but am just wondering and trying to find an answer.

Recently we had a small dance party organised by our HR at our workplace ( with DJ .. and stuff ...) . I was a silent observer, Still I am sure I enjoyed may be not as much as an enthusiast dancer , sweating his body dancing for hours with small breaks in between for water ( perhaps to fight dehydration !! What fun ? ). So there I was , observing people and their behavior classified broadly as under :

  1. The First category of guys and girls , the real enthusiasts I would say. They were the ones who would dare take on the dance floor without caring if they had some company, or for that matter, that they are being keenly observed by people standing all around. A dance number with loud music and beats seemed to be all what they needed for their mood set up to Rock the floor. Mind you .. these people are not necessarily great dancers but they are certainly the leaders paving the way for the next category to display their talent.
  2. I would call them semi-enthusiasts , people in this category necessarily need the category 1 heroes to give a start and then what you observe is a sort of - 'Domino Effect', all these front row guys / gals just run to join them without wasting another moment. And now the dance floor is perfectly full with energy, people jumping , waving ,shaking , screaming .. [ huh ! ]
  3. Moving on to the third category .. by far this one is the most interesting category of people. They know they want to be the part of dance floor but joining the others on their own would be a little too audacious step for them to take. So they WAIT .. just wait for someone from the floor to just pull them in. And then with a little reluctance ( just superficial ..I believe ) they join the rest and are soon lost in the crowd.Within a few minutes the dancing area has swelled to four times its original size.Cool !!
  4. This is my category.. people standing outside the dancing space with a cold drink or perhaps a cell phone in hand ( If u got something in hand it looks less awkward .. just in case anybody notices it will be like - 'Oh that guy is busy not dancing', Please note that by this time category 4 which was once in majority is now in a huge minority so its kind of awkward and embarrassing ) . By the way , we just stand there listen to the music,watch people dance their @$$ off and 'think' - 'dancing isn't a big deal .. look at that guy .. is that even a step .. I could do better .. but not now..mood nahi hai .. some other day .. I need some practice .. If at all I dance , I will dance well..May be next time I will learn a few steps .. what is the bloody point in making a fool of oneself ( a little frustrated by now ) Oh I wish .. chod naa maybe I should see whats there for snacks..'

Now obviously we have people who don't care and I would rather choose not to categorize them. Perhaps dancing is a way for some of us to De-stress , its also a good physical exercise where you get a chance to sweat without getting bored. As for me , dancing will have to wait , perhaps looking for a perfect companion who could teach me a step or two and then maybe I will consider switching from category 4 to category 3 to begin with. Until then .. You don't miss a chance to showcase your hidden talent .. Dance !!