Monday, December 1, 2008

A Political Travesty..

                                                     'Face the Facts'    
                                                                .. and channelise your anger!!

If this is what the world’s largest democracy has to offer it’s citizens, to hell with the democracy, to hell with our inept, impotent political system and the much disgraced, spineless political leadership of this great Nation. My heart goes out for the innocent dead in the dastardly attacks and even as I salute the heroes who laid their lives, fighting for saving lives, somewhere deep in my heart, with immense anguish, I know that we will utterly fail to honor them. A fitting reply to the perpetrators which would rattle their entire establishment and instill fear in their minds, no matter who they are, where they are, is the ‘one and the only way’ to honor our Martyrs, failing which we should be prepared to witness (in case we are not the victim ourselves) many more ghastly acts of terror in the time to come, just like the one we saw last week, the one executed with an unprecedented audacity. The entire world was the witness to dramatic unfolding of the events in Mumbai for more than sixty hours and after the ordeal was over when the world feared that the actions from India would escalate tension in South Asia, what have we come up with?  After almost 48 hours??  Plans to have NSG hubs throughout the country.. Why?  to speedily execute our next rendezvous with terror, which we are dead certain about.Huh! A couple of resignations, statements, criticism. Is That IT?? Are We DONE?? I hope not. Perhaps the only retaliatory action you would remember a month from now,will be the cancellation of India’s cricket tour to Pakistan. What a PITY!! We are in a sorry state my friends, its time we ‘act’, for our honor, for the honor of our beautiful country, for our loved ones and for ourselves. The first step would indeed be to understand the gravity of the situation and accept some hard facts. A few days and our electronic and print media will be flooded with quotes – Mumbai fights backs’ and the likes.Its time we stop talking about resilience and start Acting, its now or never.Whom are we kidding??  People go to work because they need to make the ends meet; we don’t have an option, we are left with none. Streets, malls, airports, hotels, pubs, markets each of these places have been targeted. Rich, poor none spared. You and I are surviving today because the places we live, work and hang out are not yet the target of these mindless militants and the day it will , nothing will stop them (with the given system in place ) be assured.


I don’t believe in the existence of a superpower that we call God, perhaps because it is something beyond my limited understanding. I believe in what I see and feel around me  Nature, Air , Water,  Sun , Moon , Family , Friends ..  This is my limitation and I frankly confess. Growing up, I have realized my immense love and respect for my motherland. It hurts every time my country, my people are seen in a bad light internationally, it hurts when some rating agency ranks my country around 127th amongst 177 countries in Human Development Index , it hurts when we are listed in 20 most dangerous places to visit ..the list goes endless but what pains me the most is our plight at the hands of our own elected bunch of wimps ( read politicians ), it pains me the most when a city bleeds and the people responsible for our safety and security turns to nothing but moot spectators ( repeatedly ) when it comes to act and make decisions. We are in wrong hands. If the recent Mumbai incidents do not wake us all up, what will?  When I say ‘all’, I would like to include our so called politicians, clearly they are what we have -‘Politicians’ not ‘Leaders’! Its time we start asking right Questions. I may not understand the limitations of diplomacy, intelligence, state functioning and scores of other technicalities, but what I do understand is that we are not doing great and today I would think twice to call my country a Great Nation.


A Lot is to be said and a lot is to be done. I feel that I have failed to do full justice to my state of my mind and thoughts; I hope you understand that this is just an excerpt. I believe you too have a lot many things to say. Don’t sit back. Say it!!


and just hold on .. where is Mr Thakcrey holed up these days?  I have a question.. ‘Sir, North Indian commando chalta hai marathion ko ..?’ Speak up you.. [sob]


Friday, September 26, 2008

Why can't Pappu dance ??

Okay... so what is this about dancing that people are crazy about - weird , repetitive body movements that sometimes goes with the music being played and rest of the times its grossly out of sync ! Well, here I am not talking about MJ or Hritik Roshan with their well choreographed shows..but about people like you and me plunging into the dance floor in a public place to shake their bodies.As for me , I cant see myself dance , I am just not comfortable and I seriously don't know why, its not that I have got anything against dancing ... maybe because I don't know how to dance but then do these youngsters who take on the dance floor no sooner they get an opportunity know how to ? May be I am embarrassed to dance in public ..but then again I have never attempted a dance step or something even remotely close to dancing even when alone in a closed room when no one is watching and I don't see myself doing the same in the near future.. moreover I don't think there would be anyone watching me even in a crowded,dimly lit dance floor where people are too busy watching their own step.At this point, with the kind of reputation I have earned, I just need to clarify that I am not being critical of the dancing act ( for all u dancers out there .. ), but am just wondering and trying to find an answer.

Recently we had a small dance party organised by our HR at our workplace ( with DJ .. and stuff ...) . I was a silent observer, Still I am sure I enjoyed may be not as much as an enthusiast dancer , sweating his body dancing for hours with small breaks in between for water ( perhaps to fight dehydration !! What fun ? ). So there I was , observing people and their behavior classified broadly as under :

  1. The First category of guys and girls , the real enthusiasts I would say. They were the ones who would dare take on the dance floor without caring if they had some company, or for that matter, that they are being keenly observed by people standing all around. A dance number with loud music and beats seemed to be all what they needed for their mood set up to Rock the floor. Mind you .. these people are not necessarily great dancers but they are certainly the leaders paving the way for the next category to display their talent.
  2. I would call them semi-enthusiasts , people in this category necessarily need the category 1 heroes to give a start and then what you observe is a sort of - 'Domino Effect', all these front row guys / gals just run to join them without wasting another moment. And now the dance floor is perfectly full with energy, people jumping , waving ,shaking , screaming .. [ huh ! ]
  3. Moving on to the third category .. by far this one is the most interesting category of people. They know they want to be the part of dance floor but joining the others on their own would be a little too audacious step for them to take. So they WAIT .. just wait for someone from the floor to just pull them in. And then with a little reluctance ( just superficial ..I believe ) they join the rest and are soon lost in the crowd.Within a few minutes the dancing area has swelled to four times its original size.Cool !!
  4. This is my category.. people standing outside the dancing space with a cold drink or perhaps a cell phone in hand ( If u got something in hand it looks less awkward .. just in case anybody notices it will be like - 'Oh that guy is busy not dancing', Please note that by this time category 4 which was once in majority is now in a huge minority so its kind of awkward and embarrassing ) . By the way , we just stand there listen to the music,watch people dance their @$$ off and 'think' - 'dancing isn't a big deal .. look at that guy .. is that even a step .. I could do better .. but not now..mood nahi hai .. some other day .. I need some practice .. If at all I dance , I will dance well..May be next time I will learn a few steps .. what is the bloody point in making a fool of oneself ( a little frustrated by now ) Oh I wish .. chod naa maybe I should see whats there for snacks..'

Now obviously we have people who don't care and I would rather choose not to categorize them. Perhaps dancing is a way for some of us to De-stress , its also a good physical exercise where you get a chance to sweat without getting bored. As for me , dancing will have to wait , perhaps looking for a perfect companion who could teach me a step or two and then maybe I will consider switching from category 4 to category 3 to begin with. Until then .. You don't miss a chance to showcase your hidden talent .. Dance !!

Saturday, August 30, 2008

Gone in 60 seconds ..

I was lying on my bed and was about to sleep .. ' why cant I just relax and for a few minutes and think simply nothing - this was the first thought ..and then they ( thoughts ) kept popping one after another, one of them was to compile the same. So Here it is excerpt , cleverly edited to exclude the stuffs which of course .. should not go public :)

In just 60 seconds this is how my mind tortures me ..

'Never ask a man if he is from Sparta: If he were, he would have let you know such an important fact - and if he were not,you could hurt his feelings' ... nice thought but why is it important not to hurt people , why do we have to be good ,why cant we simply follow our instincts and act, why cant we BE what we ARE .. BTW , do we even know what we are .. OR what we want .. people often contradict themselves.

. . . .

Isn't the age old saying - ' Man can achieve whatever he wants ' a bit overrated , arbitrary and maybe a little senseless .You cannot achieve things just because you want them and you are overly enthusiastic about the same. Get practical and don't screw your life..there are limitations for everyone, everywhere. Authentic ( pragmatic ) thinking makes more sense than an arbitrary Positive thinking.

. . . .

..Fan speed sucks .. I wish my regulator could rotate infinitely in clockwise direction.Perhaps we need an air conditioning ..maybe next year. Weather sucks ..Gurgaon sucks it is the land of dust.. Everything su...

. . . .

What do these people in government do .. cant they solve small basic day to day problems of a common man and keep them happy and contended ... of course along with their all sorts of illegitimate businesses ( I don't Question.. ).. now what is happening in Bihar ( regarding the floods ) .. are they doing enough. It seems the brightest ideas are only with the opposition party in a democratic system . SAD !

. . . .

..My bike needs a servicing ..maybe this weekend ..why the hell am I sooo lazzzy?

. . . .

For Leibniz, God's mind included an infinity of possible worlds, of which he selected just one.These nonselected worlds are the worlds of possibilities .. hmm.. I could have done so many things differently in past .. no regrets, but its amazing to think of infinite possibilities for which if opted, I would have been different with respect to my career, relationships .. but I guess its fine, I am still in my twenties .. got a lot of life ahead !

. . . .

It was overwhelming to read about this auto rickshaw driver who voluntarily took a man stabbed some 5-7 times to a hospital late in the night and all he charged was the legitimate auto fare.. he was later awarded with a 50k from Delhi government and a taxi with a licence and future ownership of the same! Good Job! ( both for the driver and the govt.)

. . . .

Am I too sensitive? If yes , is there anything wrong with it ..If no , should I be ? BTW who decides what is right and what is wrong?

. . . .

.. now this is the serious problem with a ceiling fan.. makes a lot of noise.

. . . .

Why am I so uncomfortable, whenever in my comfort zone .. Why do I get this feeling of something being wrong,when things apparently appear okay .. emptiness kills .. maybe I love challenges .. haan that sounds cool ! Love is a beautiful word but definitely over burdened with multiple usages.. I love my parents .. I love my school .. love my new shoes .. love my job .. my pen .. bike ..your eyes .. your looks .. lets make love .. and last but not the least ( one would agree ) I Love You ! I am not much into language and literature ..but I wonder why we have just one word in everyday usage for all possible kinds of love. Just look at the word Hate with soo many synonyms in general usage - abhor, detest, loathe, despise and may be abominate, execrate at times . Aah .. I love hate !!

Maybe I should sleep ..its already late.

Friday, August 15, 2008

Rang de Basanti

Its never late to comment on something like rang de basanti .. I wish I was into blogging when I first saw the movie.Clearly RDB ( as fans call it.. HUH !! ) is not a movie which one can afford to miss ..go rent a pirated DVD to watch this masterpiece, if u haven't seen it yet, just to see and realise the extent to which our movie makers can go irrational , illogical perhaps plain stupid with their scripts.

What intrigues me is fact that most of the people around me liked it .. naah..they Loved it. They said the movie should have gone for the Oscars as India's official entry ..I tell you , It would have been utter Embarrassment.I never saw 'paheli' but I am sure RDB would have simply outdone 'paheli' in every possible department on an international platform ( If u get what I mean! ).

The Movie

Everything .. everything in the movie was beyond my comprehension.For instance just think of the concept - Kill the Defence minister ( why not prime minister ... or may be just blow away the entire Parliament they aren't doing great either ) because a friend of yours crashed with his jet and then voluntarily commit a group suicide.At this point I would seriously choose to avoid commenting on how a rookie like aamir in his character could possibly shoot a person ( defence minister taking a stroll on the side-walk.. I guess he had a heavy spicy breakfast or sth so he chooses to walk alone without security know to avoid an embarrassment ..just in case ;) from a speeding motorcycle.Perhaps it was the inspiration from the movie they just acted in.I still wonder , how did they make the entire movie (looked like a big budget extravaganza to me ), when all ..creator cum director cum producer cum cinematographer cum ..( okay I need to stop ! ) the firangi lady ( suu/shu/shoe whatever ) had was a tiny handy cam and no money ( plz recall the start where she was rejected everything by her bosses ). BTW.... Did you ever wonder why .. why at all would a person 'think' in a language which he/she could not even speak properly.Sue did that in the entire movie..It did not amuse me .. I went MAD !!

Just when I thought that perhaps ..I was being over critical and the movie had a point ,as the boys were young full of josh and may be .. may be (remotely possible though ) they could have considered killing the Defence Minister in the heat of the moment, This Happened. Siddharth Narayan ( the quietest among the lot ..) decides on killing his father !! Whoa Whoa.. Heights of Insanity.Did he have enough reasons or was he .... forget it, why am I questioning ?

My only regret was from the fact the list of survivors had the Soha Ali Khan's character because she clearly used the bunch of idiots to take her revenge.. in fact if u recall she was the one who came up with the idea - ' maar dalo '


I saw 'fanaa' and the trauma I had undergone during the movie and then later is inexplicable.Dreaded terrorist decides to take a long holiday and stay in a house right in the middle of a very very important mission of his life just because the weather was not good outside, when the inmates clearly had no problems in making rounds shopping !! Excellent .. that was not all , later when the weather got better in fact sunny, he rather chose to play chess with his father-in-law in the outdoors.. well done !! I never expected that from Aamir .. I mean I never question Shahrukh .. he has got the official license but Aamir ? What concerns me the most is the kind of MESSAGE a movie like 'rang de basanti' has put across.But then we are all human.

Cheers !!

Why ?

Okay , here I start .. I created this blog some one and a half years back. Reason ?? Simple because many of my friends did and I thought that was cool ! But I guess the reason was not good enough, I needed something to fill up the space and register my presence as a blogger.. and I seriously didn't know what to write , secondly I didn't know if I could actually write ? So for next 1.5 yrs .. I chose to forget about this. Not that things have changed ,I still don't have a definite agenda and am indeed pathetic when it comes to writing ( you will soon find out ) its just that today ..I simply Don't Care !! I am doing this just for myself,to vent out opinions which people apparently are not ready to listen in their face,things which bothers me and makes me uncomfortable,myriad topics for which I hold strong opinions.That's all ;)